вторник, 14 марта 2017 г.

final topic ( module 5)

21st century is the time of new technologies. Scientists working in new branch - nanotechnology. They suppose that materials can be developed that will allow machines to repair themselves in much the same way that the human body does. Furthermore, nanotechnology is already being used by doctors. For example, magnetic nanoparticles have been given to patients suffering from certain cancers. But on the other hand, it has even been suggested that the world could rapidly be reduced to grey dust as the result of some disaster involving this new technology.
What is more, technologies are used not only in science but in a daily life too. Modern teenagers use the internet a lot, so they know text language is a very effective way of keeping their parents in the dark about their conservation. Some text abbreviations are now part of everyone's text vernacular. Online auction sites like e-Bay, have become a global phenomenon. They were designed to enable individuals to sell their own unwanted goods through online auctioning. People can’t imagine even their vacation without new technology. Nowadays in Japan capsule hotels have been invented. It’s the accommodation of choice for Japanese businessmen who have missed the last train back to the suburbs, or for travelers on a tight budget. They consist of tiny sleeping compartments about 2 meters long, 1 meter high and 1 meter wide.
Unfortunately, in this entire race for technologies, we have completely forgotten about nature. We are too far to take care of it. Even a small rain can surprise people and make them think of wasting water while raining. Isaac Asimov wrote: "It is always seems a waste for all that water to come down on the city. It should limit itself to the reservoirs." And he also admitted: "In the old days people even lived in cities. They lived close to nature, people didn't think of water's waste, they enjoyed it." The problem of modern people is that they are too modern, they see only the structure and benefit even of raining water, but they can’t see natural beauty in it.

It’s quite interesting to consider that not only technologies improve today. More and more new tendencies and trends are found in fashion nowadays. I’d rather describe fashion like something educational and unique, but at the same time taught and time-consuming. Tanya thought back to when she had first picked up a needle and thread. Her grandmother, like many women of her generation, had made most of her own clothes and when Tanya was very small she had loved to watch her cutting the cloth and stitching it together with meticulous skill. Bit by bit, .under her grandmother's careful instruction, she had learned the craft herself. She had started with simple outfits for her dolls and had progressed to the point where even her grandmother said she was much better than her at making clothes.